
The Tungurahua name comes from the two kichwa words "tungur" (throat) and "rauray" (burning). It's an active stratum volcano whose almost perfect cone rises from the city of Baños at 1820m to the elevation of its highest summit at 5037m. This elevation of 3,200 meters makes it probably the most prominent volcanic cone in Ecuador. The diameter at its base is approximately 14 km and at the crater 550 meters, the average slope is about 35 degrees. It had still glaciers on its summit until a few years ago, which today have left ice fields and loose rocks. It remained practically closed to tourism since 1999 to 2017 due to the intense volcanic activity, the eruptions were very common and people used to join to contemplate them from the viewpoints around Baños, a city which had to be sometimes evacuated to avoid any major setback. As of 2017, its activity began to decline and once again the access was allowed for tourists hiking to the refuge and the summit.

Highest Summit5037m
Nicolas Martinez Summit5002m
N.P. Entrance2804m


Tungurahua Volcano

Tungurahua Volcano



Highest Summit

Highest Summit

Climbing and Hiking

  1. Sangay N.P. Guard - Tungurahua refuge. Easy, 2:30 - 3:30h.
  2. Climb from the refuge to the Tungurahua summit. Easy, 4 - 5h, one way.
  3. Baños - Pondoa Trail
  4. Baños - La Virgen Trail
  5. Baños - Runtún Trail
  6. Trekking Los Contrabandistas
  7. Lligua - Ojos del Volcán Trail
  8. San Francisco - Ojos del Volcán Trail


Tibouchina mollis

Tibouchina mollis

Nasa auca

Nasa auca

Bomarea hirsuta

Bomarea hirsuta

Liabum igniarum

Liabum igniarum

How to get

Eastern Cordillera; 8.6 kilometers in a straight line southwest of Baños, Tungurahua province.

  1. Normal Route Baños: You can get to Baños from Ambato or from Riobamba, these two roads are paved and join a little before crossing the "Puente de las Juntas" bridge over the Chambo river, a few kilometers beyond the bridge is the town of Baños. When arriving at Baños, on the right side (south) there is a paved and well signposted road that goes up to the Pondoa little town. The entrance guard to the Sangay National Park is a little further up from Pondoa, where the trek to the Tungurahua refuge begins.

AmbatoBañosCentral South SierraSangay National Park