The approaches to the Andean mountains are loaded with vegetation with a great diversity of colors and nuances; These are the typical plants that grow next to the forests on the edge of pastures and streams.

Tristerix longebracteatus

Tristerix longebracteatus


Tungurahua Volcano. Hiking to the Tungurahua refuge, 3320 meters

Coriaria ruscifolia

Coriaria ruscifolia


Yanahurco de Mojanda. Tabacundo approach to Mojanda, 3020 meters

Lamourouxia virgata

Lamourouxia virgata

Falsa dedalera

Casitagua Mountain. Hiking to the summit, 3010 meters

Bomarea hirsuta

Bomarea hirsuta

Campanita - Ashpacorral

Tungurahua Volcano. Hiking to the Tungurahua refuge, 3240 meters

Tibouchina mollis

Tibouchina mollis

Flor de mayo

Tungurahua Volcano. Hiking to the Tungurahua refuge, 3120 meters

Monnina crassifolia

Monnina crassifolia


Guagua Pichincha Volcano. Road to the refuge, 3560 meters

Fuchsia ampliata

Fuchsia ampliata


Tungurahua Volcano. Hiking to the Tungurahua refuge, 3330 meters

Passiflora cumbalensis

Passiflora cumbalensis

Taxo silvestre

Fuya Fuya. Otavalo - Lagunas de Mojanda, 3030 meters

Brugmansia sanguinea

Brugmansia sanguinea

Guanto rojo

Pasochoa Volcano. Hiking to the summit, 3120 metros