
Sucos is a beautiful lagoon at the “Virgen de Papallacta” zone, less than 1 hour from Quito and almost 4000 meters high. A short hike allows us to enjoy the beauty of this paramo in the middle of the Cayambe Coca National Park. On the lagoon surroundings, it's very common to find the leafless “achupallas”, which indicates that the spectacled andean bears were feeding on them; although these animals are very shy and rarely observed.

Elevation Table
Old Refuge3980m
Sucos Lagoon3903m


Sucos Lagoon

Sucos Lagoon

Antisana from the Sucos Lagoon

Antisana from the Sucos Lagoon

Sucos Lagoon

Sucos Lagoon

Climbing and Hiking

  1. Sendero del Oso: from the “Old Refuge” through Sucos Lagoon, Mentala Lagoon, to the Baños Lagoon and the Cayambe Coca National Park Visitor Center.
  2. Hike around the Sucos Lagoon: the trail disappears in many sections.
  3. Visit to the Inca Trail: the old route of the spanish conquerors to the Amazon (it's a section of the hike around the lagoon).




Senecio formosoides

Senecio formosoides

Diplostephium sp.

Diplostephium sp.

Galium hypocarpium

Galium hypocarpium

How to get

Eastern Cordillera; 39 kilometers in a straight line to the east from Quito.

  1. Normal Approach “Old Refuge”: Take the Pifo - Papallacta (E20) highway to the east; Already at the highest paramo just passing the Virgin of Papallacta you will be able to see an old refuge on the right (nowadays it no longer serves), it's there where the hike to the lagoon begins.
  2. Sucos “Dam” Approach: Passing “La Virgen” for approximately 6 km, you must take a barely visible road to the left. This path heads north until it ends on the southern lagoon shore. it's possible to get to the “lagoon viewpoint” by 4 × 4 vehicles, and the last descent is practically impassable.

Cayambe Coca National ParkCentral North SierraQuito