The Antisana volcano is located in the Napo Province, Cordillera Oriental, approximately 50 kilometers southeast of Quito. Its imposing massif, the fourth highest in Ecuador, is arranged in a north-south direction and measures 14 kilometers at its base, from Cerro Media Luna in the north to the Chulcupaillana river in the south. Some describe its name as probably derived from Quichua: "anti" which means "the land of the Andes" and "sani" which means "dark dwelling". The Antisana has four perfectly individualized peaks: the Central or Highest, the Northeast, the East and the South. The Highest Summit, frequently visited despite its tremendously broken and challenging glacier, presents the least climbing difficulty, but still offering great challenges. The South summit is a very attractive mixed climbing peak, its difficult routes have been only once climbed, with the exception of the normal northeast route which has a greater number of conquests. The Northeast and East summits are difficult to access and very few ascents to these summits are known.
Place | Elevation |
Highest Summit | 5750m |
South Summit | 5706m |
Northeast Summit | 5708m |
Eastern Summit | 5614m |
Camp (aprox.) | 4500m |
La Mica Lagoon | 3920m |
Hacienda Pinantura | 3242m |
Pintag town | 2860m |