
Cotopaxi is an active volcano located in the Cotopaxi Province, Ecuador. It’s a very photogenic volcano with a perfectly symmetrical cone and a glacial mantle that covers it from an approximate elevation between 4600 and 4900 meters to its summit at 5897 meters, probably the most visited mountain in Ecuador and definitely the most climbed among the so-called “high ones” of more than 5200 meters high. The crater has a diameter between 600 and 800 meters and a depth of about 150 meters, at the bottom of which gas and water vapor emanations are constantly seen, a clear example of recent volcanic activity, particularly intense in recent years as it has been closed to tourism for extended periods of time. The average slope inclination is about 30 degrees, covered with deeply cracked glacier sections, especially on its eastern flank. Another typical feature is the Yanasacha wall near its summit on the north face, it can be seen as a black spot sometimes confused with its crater. Cotopaxi Volcano has the erroneous and widespread reputation of being the highest active volcano in the world, since that honor belongs to Ojos del Salado (6891m) in the Argentine-Chilean Andes, with a 1993 record of ash emanation and current fumarolic activity.

Elevation Table
Highest Summit5897m
South Summit5861m
Oriental Summit5852m
José Ribas Refuge4864m
José R Ref. Parking4636m
Limpiopungo Lag.3867m
Cara Sur Refuge3900m


Cotopaxi Volcano

Cotopaxi Volcano

José Ribas Refuge

José Ribas Refuge

Cotopaxi Crater

Cotopaxi Crater

Climbing and Hiking

Ecuventure LogoCotopaxi Summit in 2 days from QuitoPrivate tour$ 320,00
Ecuventure LogoRumiñahui SummitPrivate tour$ 160,00
Ecuventure LogoTour to Limpiopungo Lagoon and Cotopaxi GlaciersPrivate tour$ 180,00

Jose Ribas Refuge:

  1. Parking Lot - Jose Ribas Refuge. Easy, 30min to 1h.
  2. Jose Ribas Refuge - Cotopaxi glacier. Easy, 1 to 2h.
  3. Climb to Cotopaxi Highest Summit
  4. Click for more information

Limpiopungo Lagoon:

  1. Limpiopungo Lagoon hiking trail. Easy, 45min - 1h30min.
  2. Rumiñahui Volcano

North Control:

  1. Sincholagua Volcano
  2. Cóndor Hiking Trail. Medium difficulty, 3 to 4 days.

Cara Sur Refuge:

  1. Morurco Peak
  2. Morurco 360 Trail. Easy, 6 to 8h.
  3. Ascent to Cotopaxi South Summit

Condor Huayco:

  1. Condor Huayco - Cotopaxi Glacier

Santo Domingo Lagoon:

  1. Manantiales
  2. Cajas Lagoons
  3. Santo Domingo Lagoon
  4. Santo Domingo Lagoon - Cotopaxi glacier

Boliche Recreational Area:

  1. Mirador Sunfana. Easy, 30min.
  2. Sendero Quishuar. Easy, 30min.
  3. Sendero Romerillos. Easy, 45min.
  4. Boliche - South Rumiñahui Trail
  5. Boliche - Limpiopungo Lagoon Trail

Centro de Interpretación:

  1. Mishauaico Trail. Easy, 30min.

Other suggested visits:

  1. Great Pita River Waterfall
  2. Cóndor Machay Waterfall

Cycling routes:

  1. North Control - Santo Domingo Lagoon
  2. Limpiopungo Lagoon - Santo Domingo Lagoon
  3. Cotopaxi 360 (2 days)
  4. Mulalo - Cara Sur Refuge

El Morro de Chalupas:

  1. Quilindaña Peak
  2. Yuracocha Lagoon trail


Chuquiraga Jussieui

Chuquiraga Jussieui

Dorobaea pimpinellifolia

Dorobaea pimpinellifolia

Castilleja fissifolia

Castilleja fissifolia

Baccharis tricuneata

Baccharis tricuneata

How to get

Eastern Cordillera; 55 kilometers in a straight line southeast of Quito; 18 km from the Panamerican Hw at the town of Lasso; 24 km from Machachi; 34 km from Latacunga. There are four routes of approach to Cotopaxi:

  1. Normal Approach "Control Caspi": From Quito take the Panamerican Hw towards Latacunga, passing Machachi you go up to the Nudo de Tiopullo and then go down towards Lasso, just finishing this descent you will find a well-signposted detour that indicates the exit to Cotopaxi. The access road to the park is paved for the most part, the Caspi control of the Cotopaxi National Park is located halfway. it's mandatory to register at this control; Information about the park is also offered and there are different facilities such as a handicraft store and restrooms. The pavement ends a few kilometers above the control, there continues the old ballast road that leads to the Limpiopungo Lagoon, or to the Jose Ribas Refuge parking lot on the north face of the mountain. This route is advisable for any vehicle up to the Limpiopungo Lagoon, the ascent to the refuge may require a 4×4 vehicle.
  2. "Control Norte" Approach: Entering Machachi, at the central square you can ask for the road to the Cotopaxi National Park North Control, this road is paved on its first part, then cobbled and finally ballast, more appropriate for high traction vehicles. it's mandatory to register the entry at the Cotopaxi National Park northern control; Afterwards you may continue towards the Limpiopungo lagoon, and eventually you will find a road that connects directly with the road to the refuge. The Cotopaxi National Park is well signposted.
  3. "El Pita" Approach: From Sangolqui, "Redondel del Choclo", it's taken to the south by the Juan de Salinas avenue, following everything straight it will end up arriving at the Cotopaxi National Park North Control.
  4. "Cara Sur" Approach: From Quito, follow the Pan-American towards the south, you pass the detour to the Cotopaxi National Park South Control and continue on the Panamerican for about 4.6km more, take the deviation to the right to leave the highway and cross the two roundabouts heading on the "old Pan-American Highway". 1 more kilometer to the south and it's necessary to take to the left, just in front of "Aglomerados Cotopaxi". It's more or less straight, following the direction of the Ticatilin commune, from there a single road continues to Rancho Maria and the Cotopaxi "Cara Sur" Refuge. This road is appropriate for 4×4 vehicles. There is an access control at Ticatilín managed by the Ministry of the Environment and the Cotopaxi National Park, it's necessary to register, open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

AmbatoCentral North SierraCotopaxi National ParkQuito